Project of sociocultural and artistic inmersion with the Costa Rica university (2016-2017).
After a trip to Costa Rica in September 2016 some representatives of PASPARTU presented to the management of the UCR and to those in charge of the project Graphical Poems,initial stage,a project about an exchange of sociocultural inmersion between Costa Rica university and Paspartú-Arsenal school of Arts.
On March 2017,a group of teachers from the plastic arts section of the UCR and the director of the temporary exhibition room of San Ramon came for a week to Barcelona and Vilafranca to know and value the project and the possibility of creating an exchange between institutions.
The project was divided into 2 parts
1-Sociocultural and artistic inmersion in Barcelona of the students of plastic arts in the following aspects:
With the information gathered during the first week of stay in Barcelona he students will have to create an artistic project applying and consolidating the basic specific competences adquired through their formation
2-Creating an artistic project
A week's stay in Vilafranca del Penedès the students of UCR together with students from Arsenal will create an artistic performance in a public place in our town.